Thursday, 14 July 2011

Dress up Thursday

So the ladies at work and I were chatting one afternoon as one does and realised that we hardly make an effort when coming to work despite the fact that we spend the most part of the day working and the weekend just goes like a breeze. To top if off, we work for a publishing giant that publishes all the top fashion magazines you all love. Will tell you more later, not sure if i'm allowed to name names at the momment so keep following.

Anyway we decided we'll have one day when we all dress up with high heels a definite must. The higher the better. So it's thursday and we're all glammed up, wish I could show you their faces. I sit in the middle, on my left there's hmmm what shall I call her, lets call her Fabulous Dee, ( 'cos she's truly fab) and on my right is Matching Mez ( 'cos she's always cordinating) . Now this two ladies are great, the best co workers a girl could ask for. Different personalities and cultures but we get along pretty nicely. I'll tell you more about them at a later date.

So with their permission here's what we are wearing today..( shoes only for now)

The first one's Fabulous Dee 
Then Moi ( which you can get from good old Zara)
And we have Matching Mez, she's the baby out of  us three and very cheeky.

Might let you see more next thursday...... hmmmm
Ok, my earrings : 

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